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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

4 Simple Goals

I don't do this very often but Elsies post on a Beautiful Mess blog has really rung true with me this month. I'm inspired to 'play along' and make 4 Simple Goals. 
Here's how it works: 

" 1. Choose simple goals that will make your life richer and happier on a daily basis. Choose things you may not otherwise get done, but that are not difficult to accomplish. 
2. Do not choose result oriented goals, choose activity oriented goals. for example.... instead of "lose 10 pounds", choose something like "eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day". Get what I'm saying? Positive actions instead of just the end result! 
3. Choose goals that are personal that you believe will truly make your life richer just by doing them! They can be daily, weekly or one time experiences. 
4. Choose a reward for each goal as it is accomplished! It can be a small or large reward- it's up to you. 
5. Blog about your goals, each one as you achieve it and a big post when they are all finished before the new year! " (image and text borrowed from Elsie Larson at A Beautiful Mess)
So here I go

Celebrate life and my achievements' of the last 12 months: 
It's been a big year and my business as well as personal life has moved forward in leaps and bounds. As I have written lately I can lose sight of the achievements and only see the future goals. September is also a tricky month for me, it brings the anniversary of the the loss of someone very close to me. This year, instead of mourning in sadness I'm going to focus on celebrating life and my loved ones. This goal is about enjoying the process, not just the end result.
Make a book:
No, I'm not another blogger releasing a book! Haha. I'm taking about making a 'blurb' book filled with images from my recent trip overseas. A kind of celebration of a landmark trip with my lovely man to beautiful places. I'm not great at making photo albums and would love to have something special to remember this time not just files on my hard-drive.
Take more photographs of people:
I'm not sure why but I find it difficult to take pics of people... I'm not sure why... some of my friends are very self conscious about having their photo taken, sometimes I'm worried about spoiling the moment by whipping out the SLR. Either way I want to conquer this issue! My life is full of lovely peeps,so why shouldn't my memory card, and in turn this blog!
Enjoy growing things:
I'm on my way to having this one sorted.... by preparing healthy soil and planting seedlings now I am well on the way to harvesting fresh, home-grown veggies come summer. I also can't wait to enjoy the wonderful feeling a garden full of colourful flowers brings me. Part of this goal is to have fresh flowers on my desk and and snag myself some stylish indoor plants! Any ideas on this one? The indoor section of the garden centre always leaves me cold.... no pun intended!

What might your simple goals be?